» » ​Cenocco CC-9015; Power Grow Comb
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​Cenocco CC-9015; Power Grow Comb


Breakthrough hair laser treatment with red and blue energy diodes. Stimulates scalp, regenerates hair, increases blood flow. Visible results in 8-12 weeks. Includes accessories for hair growth.

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Product Description and Specification

Power Grow Comb Stops hair loss and makes hair grow thicker, stronger an healthier. The Power Grow Comb has a unique Vibration Mode! This kind of deep massage stimulates circulation and helbs hair grow thicker! This is a very serious topic because it affects your self esteam and the image other people have of you. If you are losing hair, you need a safe, easy to use solution, and one that works. Effective and Guaranteed! Forget about those costly treatments that have to be used regularly and that only make your expenses grow.


* 7 red 660 nanometer energy diodes * 7 blue 470 nanometer energy diodes * Hight-precision laser beam window and Blo Stimulating Vibration technology. Red light: Stimulates deepest part of scalp. Blue light: Regenerates surface of hair Precision laser: Nourishes the root of the hair and helps make hair follicles thicker.  The vibrations: Increase blood flow. Studies show that the combined action of 3 beams of light plus a massage function significantly increases hair strength and stops hair loss. It has been medically and statistically proven that the Power Grow Comb will provide you with the effective results you need.


- Breakthrough hair laser treatment
- Promotes appearance of new hair growth
- 7 red 660NM energy diodes
- Stimulates deepest part of scalp
- 7 blue 470NM energy diodes
- Regenerates hair surface

- High precision laser beam window
- Nourishes roots and makes hair follicles thicker
- Bio-stimulating vibrations control
- Increases blood flow
- Significantly increases hair strength & stops hair loss

- 10-15 minutes everyday, 8-12 weeks visible results
- Hair strength increase. Hair count increase
- Additional accessories compliments hair growth
- PowerGrow Comb, Manicure kit, massage comb, brush













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